ALMURBAT was founded by the Late Prof.Dr.Shakir ALJUBOURI in 1993 the leading regional scientist named after his grandfather, ALMURBAT core business started as it’s founder with a core business of Radiation Protection and nuclear instrumentation as executing one of his many dreams to establish a company that can support the whole region with technologies and advancements but eventually ALMURBAT expanded to be an ISO Certified Group with many other fields and too many countries in the region of Middle east performing more than 5000 project and 15000 Supply in the fields of nuclear Instrumentation, Research, environmental measurements and environment monitoring, homeland security, radiation protection, Educational systems, dosimetry, nuclear educational systems, health physics, Oil and gas fields monitoring and analytical systems with too many scopes as defined in the scope of supply m the commercial group with Innovative Thinking – a modern, creative approach, attention to ever changing customer needs is our formula to success and client satisfaction as we constantly strive to improve our products and services. We pay careful attention to every little detail in the attempt to satisfy our customers and assist them in the challenge of protecting people’s well-being and life.

Ambient Monitoring of Air QualitySystems
Ambient Monitoring of Air QualitySystems
Compact Air Quality Monitoring Station
Analytical Instrumentations
Personal Protective Equipment
Fixed Gas Detection
Portable Single Gas Detectors
Environmental Impact Assessments Systems and Services
Wireless Gas Detections and Infrastructure
Emission Monitoring for Air Quality Systems and Devices
Air Quality Monitoring Stations
Compact Air Quality Monitoring Station
Lightning rods
Fire and Gas Systems
Flame and Fire detection
Portable Multi Gas Detectors
Calibration gasses and Calibration Services
Weather Stations and Dust Monitoring Systems
Ambient Air Analyzers
Radon Gas Detection and Control
Cryogenic Generators
Water Quality Analytical Instrumentations and Services
Continuous Emission Monitoring
Hydrocarbons Analysis
Laboratories Supplies
Aerosols monitoring stations
Mobile Air Quality and Environmental Laboratories
Emission Analyzers
Radiation Tolerant Cameras
Decommissioning chemicals
Medical Supplies and Equipment
Chemical Analytical Systems
Radiological Protection Clothing and Supplies
On board Continuous Emission Monitoring
Analytical Nuclear Laboratories
Mobile Radiological Laboratories
Power generation rental and supply
Industrial portable communication systems
Construction material testing systems
Video management and analysis systems
X-Ray Scanners
Water Testing ( Physical and Chemical )
NORM Analysis and Decommissioning
Radiation Detection Tubes
Oil Spill Supplies and control
Power Surge Protection and Lighting Rods
Basic laboratories equipment
Fire fighting systems
CCTV and Explosion proof cameras
Barriers and Turnstiles
Oil in Water Analyzers
Gamma Spectroscopy Systems
Nuclear Instrumentations and Radiation Detection
Violate Organic compounds Monitors And Analyzers